Social Distancing Fun for Kids: 4 Tips to Beat the Boredom

car with family

The Coronavirus pandemic has impacted life for everyone including your children. The lack of interaction can be tough especially during the summer which is the time to spend a lot of time with friends. Remote learning is over in most locations so the distraction of school is now gone leading to boredom. The last thing that you want to do is to expose your child to potentially infected people. Social distancing fun can be a possibility but it will take a proactive approach. The following are tips to help your children have fun during this unprecedented time.

Invest in a Shed

Sheds are such versatile additions that they can assist with storage or can be turned into a clubhouse for the kids. Building a treehouse can be tough and might encounter issues from fallen branches. You can even run electric out to the shed allowing the kids to watch TV or play video games in the privacy of their own clubhouse. Allowing your children to decorate the inside of one of the many options for custom sheds can be the perfect touch. Imaginations can run wild and having a space of their own outside of the home will even be considered cool by their friends.

Camping Out in the Backyard

Camping out in the backyard has changed immensely with technology. Camping can be a blast and you can even sleep in the home after a long night of making smores and laughing around a fire. Being able to look at the stars on a clear night can be relaxing and a form of bonding your kids will not forget. Not all kids like the outdoors so keep this in mind but your kids might find they love camping. There are state parks open that can allow you to go camping while maintaining distance from others. State parks on the beach can be a great time as you can play on the beach all day then look at the stars with waves crashing at night.

Understand Video Games are a Form of Socialization

Playing video games online allows for teamwork and banter that your children are surely missing. This is much like talking on the phone or video chat except it is more interactive. Keep in mind that your kids shouldn’t be sitting and playing video games all day. With the limited options in certain states, this might be a great way to allow your kids to entertain themselves. Learning how to play these games yourself as a parent might be too difficult unless you grew up a gamer.

Family Board Games

A weekly game night for the entire family where pizza is ordered can be an event the entire family looks forward to. Picking the game is important as you need to kids to stay engaged while playing. Teens might want to play a more complex game or even something like that of cards. Use the extra time you have together due to social distancing to become a closer family than ever before.

Social distancing is requiring parents to become more creative about having fun as a family. Sit down and write out ideas as a family so everyone can enjoy each other’s company.