Trail Camera Tips and Tricks

Lowa Sportsman magazine invited us to write stories for their upcoming issue of 6. We’re thrilled to present our first article ” Wi-Fi Trail Camera Tips and Tricks. Things You Should Be Doing but Probably Aren’t”. Keep checking back in the next few months for the remainder!

. There is no other tool that can be more beneficial to your success than the trail camera tips and tricks. When used properly it can be compelling, but just like all tools.

It is essential to know how to utilize it you must know the trail camera tips and tricks . Most hunters make a few mistakes that prevent them from fully utilizing the potential that trail cameras give. The following are suggestions to help you increase the use of your trail cameras and help you capture more valuable information, and bring the one step towards securing your tag around the mature whitetail this fall.


A common error that has been made when making the video camera for games is to set it in the opposite direction. Always face your camera north. This will ensure that the sun’s paths did not cross the sensor, creating false triggers. This also improves the quality of your images during the day since the sun’s glare will also be reduced. Arlin Jordin Washington

If you’ve ever felt frustrated with images that only show the rear ends of deer, odds are that your camera was perpendicular to the trails.

The reason behind this unfavorable picture was that the camera was placed too close to the trail to trigger it to trigger the camera’s “delay,”. Meaning by the time the motion sensor detected the camera to fire, something was moving. The camera started firing the animal, it had already moved across the majority of the camera’s view.

Motion Sensor

Understanding how your camera operates is essential to achieving your goals. Many owners of trail cameras believe that the camera emits infrared light and when the beam is broken the camera is triggered to take a photo. Although this technology exists and is known as Active Infrared (AIR), trail cameras use Passive Infrared (PIR). Sensors that use PIR differ from Active Infrared because they can receive data about temperatures and motion. When the sensor detects a distinction between the object moving and the surroundings then it tells the camera to capture a photo. This moving object could be a reptile, bird, animal, or even a plant. Understanding what triggers the camera to snap a photo can help you to plan to avoid the possibility of “false triggers.”


If you can you would like all of your cameras to be powered by the same size of batteries. This makes it easy to check cameras since you don’t have to carry multiple batteries in your bag. I also prefer using the same size of batteries in the other equipment I carry for hunting. For instance, all of my cameras have equipped with AA batteries.

The battery type is another important factor to consider. Lithium, rechargeable, and alkaline are the options. Alkaline is the cheapest however they aren’t able to perform well in cold conditions. I wouldn’t suggest a rechargeable battery. They’re expensive and their performance decreases over time, not to mention that you need that you fully recharge them before using them. There is also lithium that performs well in every temperature range and is an excellent option to use for your hiking camera.


Imagine your camera setup in the same way you would think of your hunting equipment. This is all things from smell control, to not “over hunting” an area. You wouldn’t go to the stand you love wearing your old tennis shoes.

 So why make the same mistake when you check your cameras?

 Controlling your scent should be at the top of your list. Make sure you wear rubber boots and gloves while visiting your camera setups. If possible, drive to your camera location. The human presence in the habitat of a whitetail in a car is quite different in alarm than a person walking. It is no wonder that deer appear less concerned.

Do not check your cameras frequently. I rarely check my location more than once a week and, most of the time between visits is at least two weeks. Like hunting at your favorite stand the less you disturb an area the more efficient.

Time-Lapse Mode

The majority of cameras today have some form of time-lapse. This means that the camera can take pictures at a set time interval regardless of whether it detects motion. Certain cameras also can perform time lapses while still taking photographs when motion has been recognized. Time-lapse is a crucial feature that you should make use of in your strategy for trail cameras. In the time-lapse mode, I recommend setting cameras to be monitoring more of a large area and to understand the direction animals move in. Then, you can deploy camera cameras with normal modes to focus your attention, capture deer images, and determine the best places to set the ambush location.


The trail camera is essential to your hunting success. It’s important to keep the information you are looking for however, it is also important to ensure that the data it collects ends up being in your possession more than the other hunters.

Find the web on the topic of “Do It Yourself Trail Camera Mount,” for directions on how to make you a camera mount. Arlin Jordin Washington

The majority of trail camera owners mount their camera’s chest high on the tree’s trunk. Therefore, thieves are looking for cameras in the exact place. The camera should be positioned ten to 12 feet above the ground, and preferably on a sturdy branch, not the trunk. The camera should be placed at an intersection of the branches. This places the camera up above the eye and also makes use of naturally occurring “noise” to help conceal the camera more effectively.

Image Management

Once you’ve got all these photos and you’ve got all these images, what should you do? Alongside security, it’s the most significant change to improve for the majority of users of cameras. If you’re like me I used to take the photos home, transfer them into an online folder and then never look at them for the rest of my life. When I’d speak to my friends about a particular image, I would search my computer to locate it, then after a few hours, stop. I’d find that the image I was looking for the lost among an array of thousands of photos. When you combine years of photographs then it is easy to become overwhelmed by the amount of information available and have no idea how to deal with the plethora of information.