How to Avoid a Deer Collision

car with family

Deer collisions can be dangerous and costly, causing thousands of injuries and millions of dollars in damage every year. While these accidents can happen anywhere, they are more common in rural areas and during certain times of the year. By following some simple tips, you can greatly reduce your chances of being involved in a deer collision.

1. Be Vigilant

The most important thing you can do to avoid a deer collision is to stay alert and be aware of your surroundings. Pay attention to road signs that indicate areas with high deer populations, and keep an eye out for any movement or shining eyes along the roadside.

If you are able to spot a deer before you approach it, you’ll have a long amount of time to slow down and think. If you have kids in the car, ask them to help you look for deer on the side of the road.

2. Slow Down

Deer are most active at dawn and dusk, so it’s important to slow down during these times of day. This gives you more time to react if a deer suddenly appears on the road. Not only that, but driving at a slower speed also increases your chances of being able to avoid a collision.

There will usually be signs on the side of the road to warn drivers of deer in the area. This will help you know which road to drive cautiously on.

3. Use High Beams

If you are driving at night in an area known for deer collisions, use your high beams whenever possible. They will help you see further down the road and give you more time to react if a deer is standing in your path. However, make sure to turn off your high beams when approaching other vehicles. And don’t forget that your high beams may cause the deer to stop in the road as you approach instead of run off.

4. Don’t Swerve

It can be tempting to swerve to avoid hitting a deer, but this can often lead to more serious accidents. Instead, focus on braking as much as possible while keeping control of your vehicle. If you do hit a deer, it is safer to hit it head-on rather than swerving and potentially hitting another car or losing control of your own.

5. Be Cautious Around Corners

Deer are often found near the edges of roads, especially around corners. When driving on winding roads, be extra cautious and slow down, as you never know when a deer may suddenly appear in your path.

6. Use Deer Whistles

Some drivers swear by the use of deer whistles, small devices that emit ultrasonic sounds believed to warn deer of oncoming vehicles. While there is no scientific evidence to support their effectiveness, many people believe they have helped them avoid collisions.

By following these tips and remaining vigilant on the road, you can greatly reduce your chances of being involved in a deer collision. Remember to always prioritize safety and be prepared for unexpected encounters with wildlife while driving. Stay safe out there!