Moving Long Distance with Kids

Making a long-distance move is exciting, but it can also involve some stressful moments when you’re moving with kids. As with any major life change, you’ll want to create a plan that includes as many details as possible to keep everyone on the same page. Whether you have toddlers or teenagers, using these strategies can also help you make the move go as smoothly as possible for everyone.


Talk to Your Kids About What to Expect

Kids need consistency, and moving can shake up just about every aspect of their normal daily routine. On top of feeling the stress of leaving friends and family behind, your kids might also be concerned about how they’ll meet their basic needs for sleep, food and entertainment while everything is being packed up. Once you have a plan in place, talk to your child about what will happen during each part of the move. They’ll feel more prepared and ready to help when an age-appropriate opportunity arises.


Encourage Their Help With Packing a First Night Box

With a long-distance move, it’s common for families to arrive at their new home before the truck with all of their belongings does. Packing a box that includes everything your child will need for their first night in a new home gives them a sense of control. Once you pack the box, you can ship it to make sure it’s there when you arrive. Or, you can load it in your car when you’re doing a road trip to your new home.


Plan for Entertainment During the Transit Time

Whether you fly, drive, or ride a train, your kids will likely have some downtime during the transit portion of your move. Help your kids pick entertainment that fits their age range, interests, and the type of transportation that you are using. Depending on how you travel, you might need to pre-load a few games or movies onto your electronic devices. It’s also a good idea to pack a few non-electronic items for fun, such as coloring books or travel games.


Ask Family and Friends to Provide Support

If there was ever a time to call the grandparents for help, it is now. Your family members along with friends and neighbors may all be willing to help keep your kids occupied during times when you are tending to essential parts of your move. For instance, you might have your kid spend an hour or two with their grandparents while you get moving quotes. Or, they might like playing with their neighborhood friends while you do some packing.


Rely On Professional Movers to Manage the Hard Tasks

Trying to drive a large truck with all of your belongings on it is a major stressor that you can avoid by calling for professional moving assistance. On top of the driving, you can also have the pros handle packing and setting up furniture, which gives you more time to spend on your kids. On the big moving day, letting movers do the heavy work means that you can take your kid for a walk around their new neighborhood and do other activities that keep them calm during an otherwise stressful time.


Executing a long-distance move is a major feat, but this time in your life also offers some excellent opportunities to bond as a family. Including your kids in the plans and making sure to delegate the tasks that take up time and energy, makes it possible to turn your move into an enjoyable way to start your life together as a family in a new town.