How Packaging is Developed
Packaging is everywhere. It’s the box holding your new flatscreen TV, the bag of chips you’re holding right now. Packaging is the bags you bring home from the grocery store, and the plastic around your paper towel roll. It’s not just limited to the packing peanuts that came with yourContinue Reading
Tips For Safe Driving With Kids
Children are our future, and if those children are yours, it’s your responsibility to keep them safe while driving them to and fro. Driving with your kids can be stressful, but thankfully, there are some simple precautions you can follow to ensure you’re all properly protected from potential harm. Here’sContinue Reading
Reasons to Use a Baby Monitor for Protecting Your Child
As a responsible parent, it is your job to do everything in your power to ensure the happiness and safety of your baby. You make sure they’re healthy and growing both mentally and physically. Another important thing to do when it comes to the safety of your baby is keepingContinue Reading
10 Signs It’s Time to Put Your Parents in a Nursing Home
Nobody wants to face the day when they have to care for their parents, but the day could come. Unfortunately, your parents’ mental and physical health can decline quickly, and before you know it, you’re flipping through nursing home brochures, trying to decide if this is the next best step.Continue Reading
Kevin Seawright Teamed Up With The Christ Haven Pentecostal Church To Give Back To The Kids
During the holiday season, people struggle with a variety of issues. From job layoffs to battling hunger or finding themselves without family or friends, the holidays can prove to be difficult for people of all ages. And for children who will wake up on Christmas morning without any presents underContinue Reading
What to Look for in a Pediatrician
Maybe you just had your first baby or recently moved, or maybe you’re simply searching for a new doctor for your child. You don’t know where to begin in your search, and even if you’ve searched for pediatricians in the past, there is so much to consider that you’re feelingContinue Reading
Date Night Again? 10 Fun and Fresh Ideas for Couples Who Are Still in Love
They say the best marriages have a little bit of magic, but longstanding relationships also manage to combine practicality and romance. Without a solid grounding in practical matters, even the most loving couple will have trouble raising a family and dealing with their finances, but practicality alone is not enough.Continue Reading
The 7 Things Every Couple Should Do Before Having Kids
There are a lot of big decisions in life. From where you go to college to which job you take to whom you marry, there are important choices at every turn. But there’s arguably no more critical decision than the one you have to make about when to start havingContinue Reading
Teach To One: Making Math Students’ Favorite Subject
With fond and innocent memories of grade school, followed by the inevitable growing pains of middle school, and final transformative years of high schools, many adults recall their formative years with joy. Within those glimpses into the past, many people recall friendships, particular events, and even their favorite subjects. InContinue Reading
How to Help Your Kids Become Financially Literate
They may not own houses or contribute to 401(k)s, but kids deserve to know the basics of financial literacy as soon as they understand how money works. Parents who help their children with money from the beginning can set a foundation of good habits that will last a lifetime. YouContinue Reading