Getting gifts for children is not easy… especially when the child you’re buying for seems to have everything. But with a little bit of creativity, you will find items that any child will love and need. If you are coming up on a birthday for a child in your lifeContinue Reading

Fall will be here before you know it. For many parents, that means kids with stuffy noses and sore throats. After years of study, there is still no cure for the common cold, but there are several remedies that can minimize symptoms and even reduce the life of the cold.Continue Reading

Why do People Find To-Do Lists Useful? To-do lists are useful for a number of reasons. Firstly, they provide an order to the day and help you focus on the tasks that need to be accomplished in a simple manner. Secondly, they increase your productivity and help set priorities. Thirdly,Continue Reading

When your child is in pain, you’ll do anything you can to provide relief. A sore throat can be tricky. You can’t massage the area or apply a topical to soothe it. And with children being picky about what they put in their mouths; your options are limited. Fortunately, thereContinue Reading

Parents whose children suffer injuries at daycare due to negligence may have the right to file lawsuits seeking compensatory damages on behalf of their children. Parents entrust their children to the staff at daycare centers, expecting and assuming they will take all precautions to ensure their kids’ safety while inContinue Reading

Nesting is a new post-divorce co-parenting strategy in which the children remain in the same home and the parents move in and out. The purpose of nesting is to ensure that children have a stable living arrangement. However, nesting is also difficult for divorced parents to coordinate. It relies onContinue Reading

Throughout early education, students are typically taught a curriculum including reading, mathematics and art. These subjects are an essential foundation for a child’s future schooling, however lessons in science are often lacking. Keep in mind about 25% of parents think science is not being highlighted enough in school. Luckily, thereContinue Reading